Thursday, March 14, 2019

Checks and Balances, not Tyranny

In the blog post “TRUMP BY THE NUMBERS” by Ann Coulter, on her respective website, Coulter argues that we, conservatives and Trump supporters alike, need to hold the President accountable for the campaign promise of building the wall.

She argues that Trump is like a “waiter who compliments us for ordering the hamburger, but keeps bringing us fish.” While I do believe this is a good analogy (I'm a sucker for analogies), I do think she’s missing a very integral part; the Democrats in control of the House of Representatives. If she wanted to make her analogy better, she could say that one of the parents won’t let us order what we want.

Anyways, while I understand Coulter’s fury with Trump for not making any progress on the Wall, it’s not all on him to make the decisions in this country, in fact, that’s exactly why we became our own country, thanks to tyrannical King George. If we want any progress on heightened border security, it can’t be Trump vs. everyone else. In fact, this country can’t work as a “vs.” situation; Democrats, Republicans, and President Donald Trump must work together. All sides must reach a deal, or compromise. While this could mean that Trump could get his dream of a wall, he might have to allow DACA to stand as well, or some other type of legislation Democrats want to protect. We have to work together for this country to succeed.

Coulter does provide many facts regarding the current border wall situation, however, it is all overshadowed by her refusal to be open to other perspectives. While she could be considered to be a credible source by some, due to her Juris Doctor from the University of Michigan, consistent readers of her definitely should not solely look to her for news. She is too one-sided and relies on only surface-level amounts of research. For example, in this very piece she posted, Coulter states multiple facts regarding Trump’s journey of immigration throughout this term, but completely disregards how our government works, not taking account for our system of checks-and-balances. Due to this, I truly believe she is not a source to rely on, and her pieces are nothing to hold dearly.